Apr 26Liked by Emily ML

As a fellow expat here in El Salvador, of course I miss Canada. My kids are there and many friends. Alas, the "old Canada", the one we knew, where informed consent was respected and "the Science" was allowed to be questioned, has vanished. Masks of benevolence that governments wear to placate their citizens were torn off during Covid. We're in a new war. The State, now global, against what used to be the citizenry of a sovereign nation. In the "new normal" Canada is a post national globalist colony.

Written in November 21, describes this well: https://unbekoming.substack.com/p/is-this-a-war

El Salvador is no picnic, it has its own issues. And yes, ES locked down like most of the rest of the world during Covid. I enjoy visiting Canada and will continue to return, while travel is still possible, yet I am very concerned for its future. The country is being torn apart by the globalist agenda. El Salvador much less so.(so far)

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Yes, it’s sad that Canada has gone this route. And I agree that ES has its own issues too. But for now we’re thankful for this place, & hope it stays mostly good!

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Apr 26Liked by Emily ML

That's quite the Solzhenitsyn quote. It makes a person shiver--but so does the daily news here.

Quality life is a series of vital choices. I'm so glad you've made some significant ones and that you and kiddoes are benefitting greatly and being notable examples. Every blessing! <3

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Thanks, Delores. Yes, I think some of the best quotes come from people who’ve been through the most trying times!

Stay strong, amiga ❤️

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Where we live, there’s been an exodus recently of the freedom friends returning to their passport countries they left 2 years ago, for various reasons: parents’ health & needing care, moving on to greener pastures (Costa Rica) etc. one family is heading back to Austria. That’s one place I would never return to! Another dear friend is leaving Canada for her birth country of France and feels caught between the frying pan in the fire. Another friend in BC is choosing to remain there after immigrating from London UK. It can be tricky to evaluate which is a better spot to raise the children! So many factors.Love the Solz. quote btw ❤️

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Wow, that’s a lot leaving! It can be so hard to be so far from family, especially during difficult times. I hope things go well for all those returning & they can find a refuge again when they need one ❤️

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Love it! I recall reading your stuff some time ago while still living in Canada, and now here I am, living in Berlin, El Salvador! I escaped Trudeau just a few months ago and haven't looked back since. The community here is incredibly supportive and welcoming. Instant family of bitcoiners... and their dogs! Everyone has a dog. I love that.

Thanks for the shout out about our Economia Conference in Berlin. It was a huge success and we were blown away by the turnout. I believe our final count was 223 people! The most tourists ever at once! Kudos to Charlies and Jethoreau for organizing it, and of course Gerardo and Evelyn for the initial spark that started it all up here.

Take care and keep sharing your stories.

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Wow—so great that you’re enjoying living in Berlin now! We loved our 2 visits up there. Evelyn is an amazing online Spanish teacher too 😊

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