Jul 5Liked by Emily ML

I got distracted but wanted to say re. this newsletter it's so great your girls are involved in visiting/encouraging the orphaned too. Years ago when my boys were age 3 and 1 1/2 I had $24 Cdn. one Christmas and we saw starving kids in Africa. I told them I could spend $24 on their Christmas OR half to the starving children and half on gifts. That's what they chose. On the farms growing up we went pine cone picking for extra cash and tithed plus. Again prayed to hear where to send. Son Andrew was fascinated to hear about Bro. Andrew, God's Smuggler, and wanted to send to Germany for Bibles. Which part of Ger.? East Germany, so his prayer hearing got more refined. Both sons have made it a life practice to support orphans in underprivileged nations and I have continuously, too--still do. My oldest granddtr. blessed my socks off recently talking about "my boy in Sri Lanka." "What boy," I asked. It turns out that while in college when she herself is short she's been supporting a boy there something like $30/mo. so he could go to school as his mom has epilepsy and couldn't afford school for any of the kids. That case may not have been particularly Christian but what I'm saying is, this is GOOD and far-reaching seed that goes on for generations and doesn't stop because God is so in it. You've landed (been led into) a really good and important [time/heart investment. Proud of you and you will see endless fruit and changed lives!

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I love that your family has been supporting orphans for ages! I also did as a kid, & loved hearing from my girl in Africa regularly 💗 A great way to teach kids generosity!!

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Wow that’s a lot of avocados! And cats 💕thank you for the beautiful reminder about caring for orphans and widows.

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Yes, it is—haha!! 😻 I needed that reminder too, as it’s easy to get caught-up in my busy everyday life. But there are so many people in need of love 💗

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Pretty much crying happy tears for you here. Love and miss you. 😂

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I miss you too, friend!! Come visit soon 💖

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