Beautiful Em! Your baby without a doubt pulled you guys back to El Salvador 💕 Loss and grieving is such a hard thing to pull yourself through but always worth the work it takes.

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Thanks, Ally! So true…& you’d know 💗

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I'm so proud of you and your ability to plant your feet and heart, absorb and reflect, distill to the God-given essence, and then share. You're quite a remarkable family. Glad I knew you back when and now. Love you and your writing. Keep it up. Glad for this happy ending and many more good things ahead! I will catch Tom's podcast soon, too :)

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I always love your feedback, Delores. And living with you that year was so fun—never a dull moment ☺️ Excited to read your latest book!

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Thank you for sharing this part of your journey. How incredible that you are back where your first child was lost. Wishing continued peace in your remembering. And a hopeful look to eternity where you’ll meet that child one day.

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Thanks, Holly! Yes, it’s amazing how everything has worked out! God had a plan…& we are excited to meet our girls’ older sibling someday 💗

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